Specified Commercial Transaction Act

Legal Name

Enably Inc.


1-27-13-403, Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 〒106-0047, Japan

Phone Number


* For inquiries about the Service and transactions, please contact us through the “Contact Form” on the website or via “Profile” > “Support Center” on Kaguru App.

Email address


Company Representative

Hisayoshi Ohtsuki


Price as listed on each product page.

Additional fees

  • Delivery fee (Varies depending on distance and time)
  • Remittance and deposit fees as well as monthly account management fee when initiating a withdrawal of the net sales. (Only when the withdrawal amount does not meet the minimum threshold set forth by Enably Inc. For details, please refer to Article 14 Item 2 of the Terms for User or Article 11 Item 3 of the Terms for Delivery Agents)

Delivery time

  • Orders will be processed within 24 hours upon purchase and they will be then delivered within 48 hours. (However, as long as parties involved in a transaction agreed beforehand that deliveries are delayed and made beyond 48 hours due to business reasons or delivery distance, it is considered they are made within the timeline)

Accepted payment methods

  • Credit cards.

Payment period

  • Credit card payments are processed upon completion of the delivery. (Upon receipt of the order by the buyer)

Exchanges & Return Policy

<Returns and exchanges requested by buyers>

  • Prior to an order pick-up: An order can be canceled by tapping a Cancel button on the App. Cancelation for sellers’ convenience is not accepted.
  • Post an order pick-up (After a delivery agent has left for a pick-up): Cancelation for either buyer’s or seller’s convenience is not accepted.

<If an item is defective>

  • If parties involved agree and the problem is attributed to a seller, the seller is responsible for handling the case. For details, please refer to Article 12 Item 5 of the Terms for Users. If the problem is attributed to a delivery agent, the delivery agent is responsible for handling the case. For details, please refer to Article 9 Item 4 of the Terms for Delivery Agents.